Many people deal with the dimpled, uneven appearance of cellulite. This condition, which comes more from genetics than from body weight, develops due to changes in the tissues underlying the skin. If you feel embarrassed or bothered by the appearance of cellulite, schedule a consultation with Dr. Verebelyi to discuss ways to treat it.
Cellulite causes dimpling of the skin, usually on the buttocks and thighs. The dimpling occurs when fibrous bands adhere to the skin and muscle, tethering the skin down and causing the dimpling.
The fibrous bands also create pockets that cause the subcutaneous layer of fat to bulge through, further contributing to the uneven appearance. Though cellulite is more common as you get older, you can develop dimpled skin at any age.
Cellulite is a common problem and most often the result of genetics. But that doesn’t mean you have to live with skin dimpling. The team at Colorado Skin and Vein offers cellulite reduction treatments to smooth the dimpling and improve your appearance.
The team at Colorado Skin and Vein uses Profound® RF by Candela® for cellulite reduction. Profound RF uses tiny needles to deliver radiofrequency energy to the deeper layers of your skin.
The radiofrequency energy tightens the skin, reducing the appearance of cellulite. The heat energy also stimulates collagen production, making your skin stronger, thicker, and firmer.
Your provider at Colorado Skin and Vein customizes your cellulite reduction treatment plan at your consultation and reviews the details with you. First, they clean your skin with an antiseptic agent and then apply a numbing lotion to minimize pain.
While you lie back on the treatment table, your provider places the handheld Profound RF device on your skin and initiates treatment. Cellulite reduction takes about an hour, and most people tolerate the procedure well.
You need to take it easy following your cellulite reduction treatment but can resume most of your normal activities within a day or two.
You only need one cellulite reduction treatment to get results. However, it may take several weeks until you see the final results.
Schedule a consultation at Colorado Skin and Vein to see if you’re a candidate for cellulite reduction. They conduct a thorough evaluation, reviewing your concerns and goals, asking about your medical history, and performing a physical exam.
If you have cellulite that makes you unhappy, then the team may consider you a candidate for cellulite reduction treatment.
Call Colorado Skin and Vein or schedule your consultation online today.
They always take such great care of me here. Love the beautiful, spotless, and modern office!
Fellas (and you ladies, too) - if you suffer from varicose veins, don't wait until they get really bad to do something about them. Make an appointment with Colorado Skin and Vein and Dr. Verebelyi and go get them fixed! You will not regret it!
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